If you’re looking for easy ways to save money and make ends meet, you’ll enjoy reading 365 Ways to Live Cheap! In it, author Trent Hamm of The Simple Dollarshares great tips on ways to cut costs on just about anything you “need,” without sacrificing your lifestyle.
True to it’s title, 365 Ways to Live Cheap! offers 365 ways to save money on:
- Appliances
- Automobiles
- Banking and Investing
- Children and Families
- Clothing
- Clutter
- Credit Cards and Debt
- Electronics
- Energy Use
- Fun and Hobbies
- Groceries and Supplies
- Health
- Housing
- Insurance
- Love and Marriage
- Socializing
- Shopping
- Utilities and Bills
- Vacations
The book is an easy read, and not one that you have to read all at once, though it might be good to do so the first time.
I think it’s a great reference book that you can turn back to anytime you’re looking to save money on any of the aforementioned topics, or when you need a refresher in how to live more frugally.
It’s something you can quickly pick up, read a couple of tips, and move on. It’ll help you spend less money, and enjoy more of your life.
In my next post, I’ll share Hamm’s 10 Biggest Tips for Living Cheap. If you haven’t done so yet, please subscribe to our RSS feed so you won’t miss future articles.